10 Best Pay Per Click Practices

The advertising world has been changing and using best pay per click practices will keep you up with trends and it will improve your campaign performances also. You will find new strategies and features to incorporate into your paid search program through reviews. In this tutorial we are going to discuss about 10 best pay per click practices, you can use for improve campaign’s performance.

1. Budget Review and Optimization

You can use following factors and utilize your budgets. They will avoid you from getting stuck in a rut and forgetting to reevaluate the distribution of your paid media budgets.

  • You can reconcile your plan with spend for each account or campaign, depending on the budget size, monthly, quarterly, or semiannually.
  • You can eliminate poor performance campaigns, that have been optimized for long time to free up the budget for other campaigns.
  • If your campaigns have got additional traffic, competitive metrics data can and include search impression share and click share.
  • If some paid media channels have mediocre performance, you can shift those budgets to another campaigns.
  • You can invest more to the campaigns that have positive results.

2. Review New Features in Google Ads and Microsoft Ads

 There are many great new features in the search ads platforms. You can use them to optimize audiences and add new ad extensions. Some of them are given below.

  • Video Extensions: Video extensions appear next to an ad as a thumbnail. They will expand into a full video when you click on it. Microsoft Ads released this extension.
  • Multimedia Ads: Multimedia Ads combines advertisers’ creative ad assets like images, headlines, and descriptions using machine learning to create attractive ads.
Pay Per Click Practices

3. Test New Platforms

This is one of the best pay per click practices you can get advantages from. There are many advertising platforms beyond Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. Some of them are given below. You can try them.

  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is suitable for professional and business targeting. LinkedIn audiences can be reached through Microsoft Ads.
  • Pinterest: You can use Pinterest to market your products, services, consumer goods specially with a female.
  • Snapchat: It has features like video ads, app installs, filters, lenses. People between 13 to 35 are the category who use Snapchat mostly.

4. Revisit Keyword Match Types

You need to revisit your campaign match types considering the changes and past performance. Because Google changes keyword match types like discontinuing broad match modifier (BMM) and expanding the reach of the phrase match. They will reduce the traffic in current BMM keywords, and increase the current phrase match keywords.

You can make below changes.

  • Review and determine the impact of the technical keyword changes to close variants or shifts in traffic volume.
  • Learn everything about Google phrase match. Because it has been changed over the years.
  • Irrelevant keywords can pop up from match type changes. Therefore its better to review search term reports more frequently to getting avoid of using them in match type changes.

5. Test Additional Features

Test additional features is another best pay per click practices you can use for your current search campaigns. The Audience Network in Microsoft Ads is AI-powered and it analyze billions of audience intent signals from Microsoft properties like Bing searches, MSN, Outlook, Skype, and LinkedIn. This results relevant in market lists that can reach searchers when they are looking to make a purchase.

best pay per click practices

6. Audiences Integrated with Search

Its better to review the audiences you selected before. Because both Google and Microsoft have added more audiences. There are some features in the settings that help to expand your audience automatically. But its better to keep an eye on them performances.

  • Google: optimized targeting.
  • Microsoft: audience network.

An audience is a list of users who are grouped together depending on their interests or their behavior online. You can mix and match those audiences as the way you can improve your marketing purposes.

You can text below opportunities.

  • LinkedIn targeting: Exclusively in Microsoft Ads.
  • Detailed Demographics: Marital status, parental status, education, household income, home ownership.
  • In-market and custom intent: Online behavior and searches signaling buying cues.
  • Remarketing: Advertisers website visitors and video/ YouTube.

They are different form campaign type to type. And also they are updated frequently. Therefore its better to check this usually.

Audiences Integrated with Search

7. Learn to Use Scripts

Using scripts gives you many advantages. You don’t need to have much more knowledge in computer science for it. They are many resources available online with free or templated scripts. Google also holds workshops for training.

8. Voice Search Preparation

Voice search is not popular much. Its better to be ready to respond to information voice searchers, even though you are not getting a large number of voice searches. You can do it regularly to determine any valuable keywords to add to your account or add to a new campaign. 

For example, if they are many voice searches like “sushi restaurant near me”, you can create a campaign to target those people who trying to find you. And also you can try ads and landing pages with easy access to reservations, directions, hours, and parking and so on.

9. Reevaluate How You Report

You can reevaluate your essential PPC key metrics. You can also replace or add that data into your reports instead of using the same performance report for years.

Your objectives of reevaluating the reporting are should be like below.

  • Are you still using this data?
  • Is the information you are using actionable?
  • What new metrics should you consider adding you haven’t thought about? How often do you need to see this data?

Both Microsoft Ads and Google Ads provide “Overview” pages with a few handy graphs. The data you are adding needs to be actionable and they will be able to used to make decisions on the account. If not, it will be useless.

10. Seek Collaboration

If above best pay per click practices wouldn’t work, its time to get a step back to check friendly resources and second opinions. You can visit the Paid Search Association to make new connections and find industry events. It is a resource for paid ad managers worldwide. You can also get resources and tips for motivation from ebooks, experts on Twitter, and industry publications.

paid ad managers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is pay per click?

Pay per click (PPC ) is an online advertising model. Advertisers pay based on the number of people who click on their ad. This pay per click strategy can improve your site’s visibility on search engines. And also it increase traffic to your pages.

What are the three types of PPC?

There are three types of campaign types on a advertising platform. They are Sponsored Product Ads, Headline Search Ads and Product Display Ads. Sponsored Product Ads are display on within the search results. Headline Search Ads display on the top of the page. Product Display Ads display pictures of your actual products like with a Shopping campaign.

What are the benefits of PPC?

They are many benefits of PPC Advertising. PPC boosts traffic to your Website and increases sales. It also helps you control advertising costs. Because you only have to pay for clicks. PPC allows you to analyze Ad performance in real time and it can increase brand recognition with remarketing. The most important thing is PPC advertising is not difficult to produce.

Read more:
What Is Paid Search (Beginner’s Guide)

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