9 elements to improve on an e-commerce website to increase sales

e-commerce website: It can be challenging to determine where to focus, what to change, and how an optimized site should operate when your e-commerce website sales need a boost.

Here are nine actions to take right away that will definitely increase sales:

1. Utilizing The Obtrusive (And Frequently Annoying) “Pop-Up”

Many e-commerce websites and non-e-commerce websites will present you with a pop-up as soon as you get on their page.

While others, like privacy compliance, are required, others are just promotional.
Pop-ups can work rather well as long as you follow these basic common sense rules:

  • Even if you have a mobile app specifically for making purchases, you don’t have to force website visitors to download it right away.
  • Never press a visitor to take a survey as soon as they arrive on the page. Wait until they complete their purchase before leaving empty-handed.
  • If you want to collect the visitor’s opt-in email, make it valuable to them. Give them something for a simple purchase that will nearly immediately please them as a reward.
  • Be careful not to use pop-ups that could damage your computer. A recent Search Engine Journal article goes into more depth about pop-ups.

2. Site Search Vigilance

When a user enters a site search query, they are clearly expressing their desires to you.

Be sure to pay attention and respond appropriately.

Here are some fundamentals to follow to make sure your site’s search function is beneficial to your visitors.

  • So that you are aware of the most common searches, regularly review the questions.
  • Try out the search suggestions and ensuing results page using the most popular queries (especially when a new product is added to the shop).
  • Make merchandising, advertising, and product decisions using the information from the search queries. Always keep in mind that your visitors are telling you exactly what they want, so give it to them and make money.
  • Here is a summary of a recent Search Engine Journal webinar for a more thorough examination of onsite search (along with an option to watch a replay).

3. Cross-Sell Relevancy

Cross-Sell Relevancy

This is a crucial point that is frequently ignored.

Making a suitable suggestion that prompts an impulse addition to a scheduled purchase is the simplest approach to raise your AOV (average order value).

During the buying process, you may see these in some of the following ways:

  • Additionally, viewers.
  • Customers bought as well.
  • You might also enjoy it.
  • Associated items.
  • things that complement this.
  • It is suggested for you.

If your website is designed to cross-sell products, be sure to regularly assess the user experience to make sure it is ideal for your customers and examine the statistics to track the attachment rate.

4.  Site Speed

It should go without saying that speedy websites are good. The website speed is terrible.

Make sure any apps you use aren’t slowing down the site if you’re using a hosted platform for your e-commerce shop (like Shopify or BigCommerce), and always check to make sure your image sizes aren’t debilitating load times.

Your hosting package will have a significant impact on the overall speed of your site if you’re using a non-hosted platform (like Magento or Woo-Commerce, for example).

Make sure you have the appropriate information, planning, and resources to ensure that the site loads as quickly as possible.

5. Fifth-Page Product Listing

Your ability to engage clients on the product listing page could be the difference between them adding an item to their shopping basket or leaving your website altogether. Among the most important things to think about are:

Filtering Order

It all comes down to making sure you have the right product attributes for customers to choose from.

Size, color, style, price, rating, release date, compatibility, etc. are some examples of this.

Depending on what you’re selling, you’ll need different qualities, but be sure to consider how people would perceive your product.

Here, data from site searches and keyword analysis can be useful.

Timelines for Delivery & Availability

It’s important right now.

Availability frequently has a bigger impact than the price in the modern era of supply chain problems and limited product supply.

Your chances of making the sale just get better if you have it in stock and ready to go.

Make sure your e-commerce store is configured so that customers can view stock availability and delivery estimates prior to making a purchase.

6. Product Detail Page.

What details may your buyer utilize to decide whether a product is the best choice or not?

Make a list, then start carrying it out. Here are some tips to help you optimize your product detail page.

  • Case study examples.
  • images of the goods taken from all sides.
  • zooming in and out of an image.
  • View the video.
  • A/R knowledge
  • Inventory levels, stock conditions, or delivery schedule.
  • Q & A.
  • moderated evaluations.
  • Specification details.

The main lesson to be learned from this is to consider what will be important to your customers and include it.

Consider something basic, like a shirt.

Customers may be concerned with the following:

  • Cleaning guidelines (dry clean, machine, hand wash, separately, cold hang dry, etc.).
  • Materials.
  • nation of origin.
  • Environmental friendliness and sustainability.
  • ethical production.
  • wrinkle treatment
  • Flammability.
  • Size guide.
  • Dyes.

7. The Shopping Cart

The Shopping Cart

Consider the shopping cart as a turning point in the customer’s decision-making process, at which point they will either confirm their choice and move forward or begin to second-guess it.

The following strategies might be used to lessen the customer’s anxiety:

  • Make sure there is a simple way for customers to return to the product description page so they can look up any information they may need.
  • Customer-friendly, unambiguous return policy
  • Clarity regarding costs/savings Give the customer no math problems to do, once more.
  • Clear and adaptable fulfillment choices (For example Ship to home, ship to store, pickup in-store).
  • cross-sells that make sense (see #3).
  • Establish a program for abandoned carts where a logged-in customer receives an email if a product is left in a cart for a certain amount of time.

8. Checkout Process

When a consumer gets this far, you want to make sure the following items are in place to guarantee that they finish the checkout process:

  • the capability of a simple “guest checkout.”
  • Clear checkout instructions to prevent confusion or overwhelm for the customer.
  • Give the buyer the option of free or inexpensive shipping, even if it means using a “slow boat.”
  • Make sure a consumer may utilize the auto-fill features of their browser to minimize friction.
  • Options for Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL). You might not think your product’s price point is high enough to warrant considering BNPL choices, but you’d be amazed at how common a choice this is for purchases under $100.

9. Mobile Web Experience Must-Haves

A mobile e-commerce website audit had its own distinct checklist ten years ago. There isn’t a separate checklist anymore.
Points one through eight all apply equally to the mobile experience. The next step is obvious: Test everything on mobile to guarantee that your customers have a positive experience.


What do visitors want from a website?

People who read websites seek simple navigation, appealing design, and pertinent content. However, as individuals spend less time online, businesses must make use of the aspects that customers value most on their websites to keep audiences’ interest.

What constitutes the foundation of an e-commerce company model?

Value proposition, revenue model, market opportunity, competitive climate, competitive advantage, market strategy, organizational development, and management team are some of these components.

Which four selling techniques are there?

Script-based selling, needs-satisfaction selling, consultative selling, and strategic partner selling are the four fundamental sales tactics that salespeople employ. Different approaches can be employed in various kinds of interactions.

What do consumers seek out in online shopping?

A customer’s wish list for the ideal e-commerce website includes a high priority for the payment information entry process to be secure and safe. They don’t want to have to put their personal data in danger just to make an online transaction. If users believe the website is not safe, they will abandon their shopping carts.

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