How to Rank YouTube Videos Quickly: 6 Tricks (2022 Update)

You must optimize your channel for both Google and YouTube if you want to rank highly on YouTube in 2022. Here are six quick tips to quickly rank your YouTube videos.

How to Create a Strategy for Your YouTube Video Production

There are three ways to organize videos… Although it’s ideal to combine all three, if you don’t want to become a full-fledged YouTuber, you can stick to the first one (keywords) alone.

 Rank YouTube Videos

Key words

By focusing on specific keywords, you can rank higher on Google and YouTube, enabling search engines to find your films. One error I frequently observe developers committing is ranking for a keyword with very little search volume. I advise selecting keywords with at least 1000 monthly searches anticipated. I typically conduct between 10,000 and 50,000 searches each month.

You can find the majority of this information for free by using programs designed specifically for keyword research on YouTube, like vidIQ. Ahrefs or SEMrush are more sophisticated tools for researching YouTube keywords, but they are fairly expensive if you only plan to use them for that purpose.

Bonus Suggestion: Focus your entire channel on a small number of themes or keywords, and produce multiple pieces of content for each theme. I advise limiting the number of subjects each channel to 8–10. For each of your subjects or keywords, make a playlist, and then add the relevant videos to the playlists.

Similar Websites

By making films on the same subject, roughly the same length, using the same or similar tags, and orally mentioning certain keywords in the video, you can appear in YouTube’s “Recommended” section next to particular videos (more on this below). To achieve this, look for famous videos from a creator in your niche who is similar to you, then adapt the theme and create a video on it in your own distinctive way.

In case you were curious… This is a common practice, thus there is nothing wrong with it. As long as you aren’t obviously copying the other creator’s video, you won’t anger them.


Google Trends is a free tool that allows you to gather information about what’s popular around a particular subject. For instance, when I searched “how to YouTube,” I discovered that the topics “how to create a face mask” and “how to make hand sanitizer” are now breaking international trends (as you can probably see, I’m writing this post-covid). Therefore, if you made a video about it today, it will undoubtedly receive a lot of views (as long as you continue to follow the rest of the advice in this post).

 Rank YouTube Videos

When “Trends” and “Similar Content” are combined, you almost certainly will rank for your keyword on YouTube and presumably Google as well. Your view time will increase if the video is good and people watch the entire thing, which will result in a large increase in subscribers.

Why would you want to invest time in YouTube video ranking?

Consider this scenario: while sipping your morning coffee, you check your phone for notifications that have appeared overnight. You idly glance at your YouTube analytics and BAM, your most recent video received 1000 views the previous week!

Hell. Yeah.

It makes sense why you noticed a rise in leads.

Such outcomes are not by chance. After Google, YouTube receives the second-highest amount of search traffic. You get the picture when you take into account the fact that Google Search incorporates YouTube results in their search.

Let’s now discuss how to quickly rank your YouTube videos technically.

How To Name Your YouTube Videos, Part 1

On YouTube, video names can have up to 100 characters. Google, however, truncates titles after 70 characters.

Start your title with the most crucial information, including the keyword.

The most crucial factor in ranking YouTube videos are keywords. Think about the question your video is intended to solve before choosing your keywords. People will use these keywords when searching on Google or YouTube.

Indicate a distinct and clear benefit. Tell the reader why they should watch your video right in the title. How will it alter their lives?

Search for potential titles on Google and evaluate your ranking competition as you come up with ideas. To determine which will have the highest possibilities of ranking YouTube videos, experiment with a few different ways to phrase the questions. Examine the search results, then take action.

It’s not the ideal choice if one variety already has a few really strong videos. Try an alternative approach.

Remember that Google frequently returns results for the following categories of keywords while searching for YouTube videos:

“Review,” “Tutorial,” “How To,” and “[Year in title]” (Example: How to Rank Videos Quickly in 2020)
You will definitely attract some Google search volume if it is appropriate (given the context of your content) to include these keywords in the title.

Tags on YouTube

Not only do tags help YouTube videos rank within YouTube, but they also help you rank on Google.

Join VidIQ and enter your keyword idea to choose which tag to use. next pick all the tags that are associated with your keyword (these are often more than one word). Don’t go overboard! Although you have a total of 500 characters for tags, I suggest limiting it at or below 400. The YouTube algorithm must not confuse. Keep your attention on tags that correspond to the term or phrase you are attempting to rank for. Try not to compete for more than one ranking.

To view the tags used on other people’s videos, use vidIQ’s free YouTube tools. Simply register for a vidIQ account, download the browser plugin, and then return to YouTube to sign in. You can find the plugin on YouTube’s right side.

This contributes to the idea of producing “Similar Content” discussed previously because you don’t need a paid account to browse the tags.

Video description on YouTube

You have the option to add a description to each video.

Make sure to adhere to these rules for the video description if you want your YouTube videos to rank quickly:

  • A minimum of 250 words include in your description.
  • Within the first 25 words, use your keyword (eg, in the first sentence)
  • About three to four times, repeat your keyword (“naturally”).

As a bonus suggestion, I advise you to constantly include the information below:

  • Describe yourself or your business briefly. Don’t count on people to visit your profile again. In the video description, explain what you think you are about right.
  • What is the goal of your video, per the call to action? Do you want them to check out your website, subscribe to your channel, or buy a product? Give them instructions!
  • Resource – If they enjoyed the video and want to learn more, don’t force them to visit Google again. Provide them with information that will address their follow-up inquiries. For extra information, ideally include a link to another video or your website.
  • Links to your social media profiles – Congratulations, they now like you because of your videos. Tell them now where else they may find you. If someone is on YouTube, there’s a good chance they’re also active on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Yes, hashtags are currently a thing on YouTube. If you include a hashtag in your description, a blue clickable link with that hashtag will appear above your title.

If you’re aiming for the keyword technique, it’s crucial to fill the description for each video with as many specifics as you can.

thumbnail for YouTube

Your video will have a thumbnail that YouTube will generate automatically. Whether or whether it’s flattering or a decent reflection of your brand is up for debate.

Regain control by making the ideal thumbnail for your film, complete with enticing overlay text. Although it won’t immediately help you rank YouTube videos quickly, doing this will raise the likelihood that someone will click on your video among the search results. If no one clicks on your video despite it being ranked, you won’t remain in that position for long.

Guidelines for designing a YouTube thumbnail:

  • The advantages of watching the video are stated in large text.
  • Someone’s or your face displaying intense emotion (happy, sad, chocked, etc)
  • Draw an outline around the thumbnail or inside the thumbnail to indicate a picture

Generally speaking, I advise you to just perform a YouTube search for your topic, see the thumbnails of the videos that are currently ranking, and create a better, brighter thumbnail! Encourage curiosity to win.

Caption file for YouTube

I have advocated for a long time that you need a caption file if you want to rank YouTube videos. But I no longer believe this to be the case.

If you’re not familiar, a caption file links the timestamp to the written word of what you say. It benefits those who have hearing impairment, are deaf, or speak a different language. After the caption files are generated automatically by YouTube’s AI, you can change them using the Captions Editor in YouTube Studio.

You should still customize your caption file, according to SEOs. As the YouTube AI occasionally has trouble understanding things like brand names, I’d concentrate on making sure the core keywords were entered correctly.

Backlinks to YouTube

Backlinks from other websites or social media accounts indicate to Google that your video is valuable and relevant. YouTube videos with more backlinks rank higher by Google.

Share them on social media sites and leave links in comments on relevant blogs to help others find more backlinks.

However, not all links are worthwhile. If a dubious tabloid website links to you, you are associated with an unreliable source. Your attempts to rank YouTube videos suffer from having too many of these undesirable links.

Your video use as a “answer” to queries on Reddit, Quora, and other online forums. Additionally, you may write about the video and embed it in a blog post (or even better, post that transcript as a blog post).

Bonus Advice: As soon as your films are online, you should try to increase traffic and engagement on them. Promote the video to your email list and other significant audiences as soon as it is published if you have access to either.

As a result,

Ranking YouTube videos on Google is an effective technique to increase the visibility of your brand or company. Create a collection of excellent videos and use these tricks to get them found on Google and YouTube:

  • Target keywords with between 10,000 and 50,000 monthly searches.
  • Comparable videos: Produce videos that are similar to those that are currently ranked for your desired keyword. Use tags that are similar in length, and speak the video’s keywords aloud.
  • Trends: For a potent winning recipe, combine the strength of Google Trends with “Similar Content.”
  • In your title, include the words “How To,” “Review,” and “Tutorial.” These terms frequently appear in search results on Google.
  • Use the free tools provided by vidIQ to view the tags applied to other videos.
  • Descriptions: Include your keyword in the opening sentence of your YouTube description, which should be at least 250 words long.
  • Create a unique thumbnail for your film that features words and a facial expression in keeping with the mood of the title.
  • file captions: If your keywords are not spelled correctly, edit the YouTube caption file that was automatically generated.
  • Backlinks: To have your website and social media pages index your movies more quickly, share a link to them there.

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