On-Page SEO for Ecommerce Websites: A Guide

The most important elements for enhancing on-page SEO for eCommerce websites and gaining worthwhile organic traffic are these.

eCommerce websites: Your e-commerce website can benefit from on-page SEO by ranking better, attracting more traffic, and converting more leads.

Most people use a search engine to begin their product investigation (usually Google).

In order to make an informed purchase, people typically:

  • Compare features and costs.
  • Examine reviews.
  • Look for pointers and guidance.

You’re losing out on potential clients and revenue if your website isn’t found when people search for the goods you sell.

Let’s look at some of the key ideas for enhancing on-page SEO and obtaining worthwhile organic traffic.

Research and optimization of keywords

You must choose the appropriate words if you want people to find you.

You must utilize the appropriate keywords if you wish to appear more prominently in search results.

See any trends there?

Both for individuals and search engines, you must optimize.

There are several helpful keyword research tools available.

For any industry or search engine, Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, for instance, offers keyword ideas. Metrics that show how well your keywords match user inquiries can track and manage.

Google Trends, Keyword Shitter, Google Correlate, Wordtracker Scout, and Google Search Console are some further free keyword research tools.

eCommerce websites: Here are some ideas for using the terms you come across:

  • Use the most crucial keywords in URLs, product descriptions, picture file names and alt text, page titles, headers, subheaders, and paragraph copy. Use various variations.
  • On the product page, provide all information (shipping prices, customer feedback, and return policies). Customers are more likely to leave the website altogether if they must leave the page to hunt for further information.
ecommerce websites
  • Write a useful piece of text to provide users with something of real worth. Avoid cramming your website with keywords; this may make Google suspicious.
  • Update your seasonal sales as soon as possible. Don’t let your customers down.

Start by analyzing the websites of your rivals. Your analysis might help clarify which elements need to be taken into consideration. Search for:

  • website translation services.
  • certain colors utilized in the layout of product pages.
  • characteristics of the goods or services.
  • the quantity and design of calls to action (CTAs).

Consider deleting unavailable products from your index to boost your on-page SEO. These pages can eventually lower your ranking if they are kept in indexing for a long time.

You can set up your job in the manner shown below:

  • Compare the number of pages from Google organic search results with the number of pages from your Sitemap and the number of pages that are indexed in Google Search Console.
  • Make sure that only the pages listed on your sitemap are accessible to Google.

The Category Pages

eCommerce websites: The homepage, landing pages, and product pages are frequently where e-commerce website owners focus the most of their attention, but they should also remember that category pages in their catalog should also look fantastic because they have a direct impact on conversions and search rankings.

All of your SEO efforts will be for naught if website visitors choose not to open product pages because they dislike the way a category page looks.

  • The ratio of sales to website visitors is known as the conversion rate.
  • Visitors’ engagement is measured by how long they stay on a website. The more time individuals spend seeing your material, the more probable it is that they will make a purchase.
  • Rate of clicks through switching between category pages and product pages.
  • The ratio of your revenue to the number of visitors is known as revenue per visitor. Even more crucial than the conversion rate is this metric. Fewer customers purchasing pricey goods is preferable to numerous customers purchasing cheap goods.


Blogging was primarily seen as a fun addition a decade ago, but eCommerce companies now aggressively embrace this potent tool.

Your e-commerce business can benefit from a blog by providing customers with useful information, earning their loyalty, and fostering long-lasting relationships. Additionally, by including well-known keywords in your blog posts, search engines will send more visitors your way.

The following standards apply to high-quality SEO-optimized content:

  • It ought to have effective search terms that push your sites to the top of search results.
  • Your blog postings should respond to queries that your customers commonly have, such as how to utilize specific products, how to select from a variety of services that are similar, how to lengthen the life of recently purchased items, etc.
  • Your posts should also have vibrant and interesting images to break up the material and keep readers interested.
  • Links to the product and category pages in your catalogue should be included in your articles.
  • You should carefully edit and review your text to check for grammatical mistakes as well as inaccurate or out-of-date information.

Title & Description Meta

E-commerce websites: Both the meta title and description are concise yet important components. They increase your visibility in search engines since users see them when deciding between many sources that are comparable.

The subject of the page should be succinctly summarized in your meta title and description so that visitors entices to visit and learn more.

H tags

eCommerce websites: Since they define the structure of your articles, header tags (H1, H2, H3, and so forth) are crucial. When browsing blogs and product pages, web surfers initially glance at the headers and evaluate quickly whether the content is interesting.

Additionally, headers are useful from an SEO perspective. These tags receive more attention from Google than the body content does.

Create H tags that convey an idea of each text section and include pertinent keywords while keeping in mind these two peculiarities.


eCommerce websites: Even if you conduct an excellent advertising campaign and promote your business through all available information channels, potential customers may still view your brand with some skepticism because they believe you are exaggerating the benefits of your items in order to drive up sales.

When website visitors read unbiased comments on unbiased review sites, it is a different situation.

People frequently believe the opinions of other customers, and 91% of consumers believe online evaluations to be just as reliable as personal recommendations from friends or family.

It can be very profitable to post numerous favorable evaluations on your production sites. Negative feedback won’t matter as much as long as it’s in the minority.

Since every product has some flaws, it may seem suspicious if there aren’t any complaints.

Contrary to popular belief, customer reviews are more useful for on-page SEO.

Reviews offer unique, consistent, and up-to-date content that is beneficial to both search engines and prospective buyers. Not to mention that reviews frequently include pertinent keywords as an extra benefit.

Promoting user evaluations is essentially a marketing objective. Your job as an SEO expert is to evaluate existing comments and highlight their amount and quality.

The greatest strategy to increase the number of reviews on your website is to use thoughtful email marketing strategies and make it simple and convenient for customers to post reviews.

Content Review

eCommerce websites: Keep in mind that content exists to accomplish more than just filling up blank spots in your blog and catalog. Your main tool for dominating the market is content. Therefore, make it strong and striking.

If you don’t assess your material, you’ll never know if it’s really working. You can excel by performing regular analyses and correcting obsolete information.

Pick a precise time to edit all of your previously published content. It might happen once a month or once a year. Follow the comments, clicks, average reading time, and other indicators of your target audience.

Examine the commonly asked questions by customers that your customer service team receives, and use these as the subjects for your blog posts.

Additionally, make sure to use any intriguing content strategies you find on the websites of your rivals.


With the potential to significantly increase your page speed, image optimization is a wise use of your time.

The following are the most important considerations while working with images:

  • Perfect file types for photos are JPG and PNG for huge, solid-color sections.
  • Compression: You may compress your photographs using a wide range of web tools and services that are either free or expensive.
  • Aesthetics: Product photos should be visually appealing, evoke pleasant feelings in viewers, and encourage online shoppers to make a purchase. For the finest possible representation of your items, it is best to engage the aid of a professional photographer.
  • SEO tip: Include keywords in the alt text, especially in the text that appears around photos.


Keep in mind the following guidelines when working with video:

  • Use MP4 since it creates files with minimum file sizes.
  • Keeping in mind the size of your visitors’ screens, choose the ideal file size.
  • Don’t forget to compress every video file.
  • Whenever feasible, shorten the text.
  • Instead of hosting them locally, upload the video to YouTube, Vimeo, or other services of a like nature.

user encounter

Every SEO specialist must do the crucial work of evaluating and enhancing usability.

Your task is to do a thorough analysis taking into account the following variables:

How long does the average visitor spend on the page?
Who bounced, and how many?
How efficient are CTAs?
What pages receive the most traffic?
Bring your findings to the table and involve your development and marketing teams. Usability problems might be either technological or non-technical in nature.

For instance, excessive advertising, weak copy, oversized or undersized fonts, broken buttons, and other problems might negatively impact usability.

It is your responsibility to identify these areas of weakness and assign pertinent responsibilities to other team members.


eCommerce websites: Customers should have no trouble locating the products and information they require. Make sure your menu is user-friendly, convenient, and offers the quickest routes to each component. Visitors will stay on your website longer if it is appealing and simple to use

links within

Internal linking needs to be carefully studied for e-commerce websites.

Three main justifications for internal connecting are as follows

  • User navigation should be made easier, and you should provide users with interesting content relating to the information they are searching for.
  • Identify the themes of your content and make it easier for search engines to crawl your website.
  • Visit several product pages to encourage consumers to browse your website for a longer period of time.

Consider a situation when a customer is not quite satisfied with a product they clicked on in a Google SERP. Will they quickly exit the website? Not if you provide them with links to other similar possibilities, though. This could be the first action you take to convert leads.

Your customized anchor text can be established with the use of internal linking. This is a great strategy to guarantee that your most important keywords appear at the top of search results.

The most useful lessons for an effective internal connecting approach are:

  • only include links in the proper places.
  • Avoid using too many links with the same anchor.
  • Use breadcrumbs to your advantage to make it easier for people to understand the site’s complex hierarchical structure.
  • Links with eye-catching images are the most clicked ones. To maintain visitors to your website, take this into account.


How does SEO apply to online stores?

SEO describes where your company appears in a Google search for a particular term. Ideally, you want to rank at the top of the first page of results for relevant searches. The importance of first impressions can’t overstate; if a buyer finds your online store as a top result, they are more likely to make a purchase.

What should the initial on-page SEO step be?

Examining your title and meta description should be the first step in your on-page SEO study. adopt these actions: Put your main keyword close to the start of the title. To avoid being truncated in search results, limit the title to 55 or 60 characters.

Can I perform SEO by myself?

Without a doubt, you can perform SEO on your own (Do It Yourself SEO). Anyone can learn how to perform SEO for their business with a little research and lots of experience. Entering your URL here is an easy method to launch SEO, after which you should concentrate your SEO efforts on the suggested action items.

What does on-page SEO mean?

On-site SEO, also known as on-page SEO, is the process of optimizing features on a website in order to rank better and attract more relevant traffic from search engines (as opposed to connections from other websites and other external signals, which are collectively referred to as “off-site SEO”).

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